The importance of setting the goal or purpose.

Means meet an end. If means respond to an end, do you know what he result you want to obtain? This is the key to knowing what you will have to do, what planning and actions to undertake. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the final aim in order to implement actions that will support this end.
What you need to know is:
– What do I want to get out of all this?
– What am I fostering with all this?
– Am I supporting something healthy in me?
– Does it have a meaning that benefits me and/or others?
Or does the outcome entail a series of actions that will distort the final result? That is, the outcome may seem to be beneficial but the actions entail something that is not aligned with yourself, coherence and wellbeing.
Perhaps there is a part of yourself that is distorted or requires actions that do not resonate with you. This is where you need to pay attention to clarify what the real purpose is, what the meaning is.
What are you going to experience? Where is all this experience leading you? The actions to get the result are already talking about the result. So, if you already feel that there is some sacrifice, for example, then the path you are following is not the right one. Maybe you need to readjust changes, modify concrete actions and that might be something punctual. On the other hand, there are situations in which the activity itself is embodying sacrifice, so that the result cannot be separated from its roots.
It is important now to focus on such actions, to have mental focus and to keep the goal in focus.
Have you already analysed your focus, your goal and the plan to achieve it?
You can do it by asking yourself these questions. Moreover, the end of August and beginning of September is an ideal time to do this work.
If you find it difficult to do it on your own, I can help you through a channeling session with the spirit guides. You can ask all these questions, as well as others related to your process, to get answers.
If you need advice on what type of service would suit you best, you can book a free interview with at the following link.