Horary Chart

What is a Horary Chart?

A Horary Chart is a powerful tool in Horary Astrology designed to answer your questions and provide valuable guidance for making better decisions.

How can I assist you with a Horary Chart study?

Through analysing a Horary Chart, I’ll provide you with answers to your specific question. You’ll learn about significant past events and get insights into how the situation will unfold within a specific timeframe. This helps you anticipate events and understand whether the astrological energies support the outcome you expect. With this information, you can make more informed decisions.

Do you have a specific question in mind?

Whether it’s about the future of a relationship, considering a career change, evaluating an investment opportunity, planning a major purchase, or anticipating legal proceedings, Horary can help you gain clarity and insight into your life’s situations in advance.

What questions can I ask with Horary Astrology?


  • Is it wise to start a relationship with this person?
  • Does this person still have feelings for me and will our relationship continue?
  • How will my relationship with [person’s name] progress?
  • Is this partner suitable for my business?
  • Will this employee be an asset to my business?


  • Am I inclined to pursue studies in [subject]?
  • Will I pass this upcoming exam?
  • Can I complete my studies within [specified timeframe]?


  • Am I interested in this job opportunity?
  • Will I secure this job offer?
  • Is a promotion on the horizon for me?
  • Can I expect a raise in my salary?
  • Is it advantageous to expand my business into international markets?

Legal matters:

  • Will I win the legal case?
  • Is there potential for a settlement in this lawsuit?
  • Is it advisable to pursue legal action in this situation?

Buying and Selling property:

  • Will I sell my house within [specified timeframe]?
  • Is it wise to purchase this property?
  • Should I sell this piece of land?
  • Is it beneficial for me to buy this car?


  • Will I obtain my visa within [specified timeframe]?
  • Can I expect to receive my documents on time?


  • Am I inclined to travel to [destination]?
  • How will my upcoming trip unfold?
  • Will I be able to travel to Japan within the next 6 months?

What information do you need to ask a question using Horary?

To request a Horary Astrology consultation, simply provide context about the topic you want to explore and formulate a clear, specific question. Before booking your session, it’s a good idea to reach out to me at info@astroarmoniko.com to ensure the feasibility of your question. Once you receive confirmation, you’re all set to book your session with me.

What does this service include?

  • A comprehensive 45-minute online interpretation session or alternatively, a written response if preferred.
  • The graphic image of the astrological maps used.
  • An audio recording of the consultation for your reference and repeated listening, allowing you to revisit insights at your convenience. Or if preferred, a detailed written document sent via email covering all aspects of the question posed.